


😀 About me

I am a 5th-year Ph.D. student at Rice University, advised by Prof. T. S. Eugene Ng. I am also a student researcher at Google NetInfra.

My recent research focuses on decentralizing centralized algorithms. This is a unique research direction, making use of the telemetry information from a distributed environment to achieve global optimal or Pareto optimal targets, which previously could only be approached by centralized algorithms.

I grew up in Anhui, China. Before joining Rice, I received my B.S. degree in Computer Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2018.

🆕 News

I will be on the academic job market from October 2023.

📚 Selected Publications

Poseidon: Efficient, Robust, and Practical Datacenter CC via Deployable INT

Weitao Wang, Masoud Moshref, Yuliang Li, Gautam Kumar, T. S. Eugene Ng, Neal Cardwell, Nandita Dukkipati

NSDI 2023 [pdf] [code] [slides] [video]

RDC: Relieving Data Center Network Congestion with Topological Reconfigurability at the Edge